Category: News
Ingolstadt (DE): New leaflet about Fort Prinz Karl
The Förderverein Bayerische Landesfestung Ingolstadt e.V. has published a large leaflet on Fort Prinz Karl. It shows an elaborate three-dimensional reconstruction of the fortress as it was in 1895 after the reinforcement measures [...]
80 years of D-Day Normandy - On site with FORTE CULTURA
A travelogue by Friedrich Wein Kehl - Strasbourg - Nancy - Toul - Reims - Versailles and finally: Normandy. The names and the number of interesting places with fortress monuments and [...]
FORTE CULTURA donation for the Ukraine
FORTE CULTURA donates a notebook to the partner fortress Medzhybizh in the Ukraine.
Kiev (UA): National Historical-Architectural Museum "Kiev Fortress" becomes FORTE CULTURA Station
Kiev Fortress is a monumental complex of former Russian fortresses from the 17th-19th centuries. The complex is one of the largest preserved fortresses in Europe. Visitors can enjoy a unique permanent exhibition on the history of artillery [...]
Suomenlinna, Helsinki (FI): EFFORTS board meeting and workshops
The impressive Suomenlinna Fortress hosted this year's board meeting of EFFORTS (European Federation of Fortfied Sites). In addition to a hybrid meeting to coordinate current and future activities of the network, the main focus was on [...]
Poznan (PL): 5th International Biehler-Fort Conference
by Friedrich Wein Numerous participants at the Interfest Annual General Meeting took the opportunity to visit another fortress city. The week following the Annual General Meeting, from 22/04/2024 - 27/04/2024, the 5th International [...]
Torun (PL): Annual General Meeting of the Interfest Study Group
by Friedrich Wein "The study group for international fortification, military and protective construction INTERFEST ... has set itself the task of researching and analysing fortifications worldwide under historical, technical, political and social aspects [...].
Cyprus (CY): FORTE CULTURA pilot and study tour successfully completed
by Dr Hans-Rudolf Neumann From 6 to 12 April 2024, a German-Swiss-Dutch specialist group led by Dr Hans-Rudolf Neumann examined both the Turkish and Greek parts of the [...]
FORTE CULTURA Annual Congress 2024, Strasbourg (FR)
Cultural heritage fortified monuments - a building block in the history of the DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT in Europe 8 - 10 April 2024, Strasbourg (FR) The history of democracy is the history of upheaval, revolution, [...]
Strasbourg (FR): FORTE CULTURA General Assembly 2024
The FORTE CULTURA General Assembly 2024 took place on 8 April 2024 in Strasbourg in the building of the Collectivité européenne d'Alsace (Alsace European Community), with a view of parts of the fortifications of Strasbourg. [...]